We Don't Need to Eat Plants

In Short :

We are not pigeons.

We are not cows.

Therefore we don't have a crop to digest cereals, nor 4 stomachs to gradually digest grasses or leaves. Cereals and vegetables contain many different substances inhibiting digestion and the uptake of nutrients in humans. To maximally absorb all required nutrients, you need to consume easy-digestible raw foods. And fruits and sashimi or fresh raw egg yolk (mixed with avocado) combined, contain all nutrients you need. There is not a single nutrient in vegetables or cereals, fruits do not contain. (see site3)

To prevent your tummy to swell; don’t consume any beans, vegetables or grains. However, some vegetables you may find easy to digest, which allows you to eat these.

See diet suggestions

In Detail :

Money and Power

Only after introduction of agriculture it was possible to feed large armies. Logistically, you simply cannot feed armies on fruits. Cities also could only evolve thanks to agriculture. And to be able to feed 'the working class' on low expenses, you definitely need agriculture.

Health never was an issue.

Regarding nutrient requirements, you don't need grains, vegetables or beans. Fruits and some raw animal food contain all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements, fat, cholesterol and protein you need.

Why would we need a crop or 4 stomachs to digest cereals, beans or vegetables ?

Just take a look at animals consuming plants only, like cattle, elephants, horses, koala bears, hippo’s, gorilla’s etc.; what do they all have in common ?

Swollen Bellies

All animals that eat plants only, have swollen bellies, because fibers can only be decomposed bacterially, causing gasses to originate. If you consume much grains, vegetables or beans, you definitely can forget about that flat tummy. (it’s not just about fat!) Cereals and beans contain about 6-fold more fiber as fruit averagely does. This fiber also inhibits essential cholesterol absorption (1), what can cause depressions and sleeplessness

But it's not just the fiber ;

Fruits contain fruit-sugars or fats (and vitamins) to attract animals consuming these fruits, spreading their seeds. Contrarily, vegetables, grains and beans always contain substances that protect these plants against consumption ;

-      Grain-starch partly cannot be transformed into glucose.

-      Grains and beans contain phytic acid, inhibiting protein-, mineral- and trace elements absorption.

-      Other substances in grains inhibiting digestion are : pentosanes and lectins in wheat, arabinoxilanes and alkylresorcines in rye, glucanes and enzyme-inhibitors in barley, and millet contains dhiurrine, a cyanogenic glycoside, which can originate cyanide. Grains containing least enzyme-inhibiting substances are rolled oats. For they are hard to maintain raw, 'raw' rolled oats are hardly ever really raw, and generally have had some kind of heat-treatment.

-      Vegetables contain more pentosanes and hexosanes, which are partly bacterially  decomposed in the colon, and inhibit digestion. Brussel sprouts, beetroot, parsley, celeriac, kale, broccoli and peas contain most of these special carbohydrates.

-      Beans (and currants) contain 4 to 140 times as much lignin (indigestible aromatic alcohol polymers), than fruit averagely does. Lignins easily bind to cholesterol (2) and minerals (3) (and N-nitrosocompounds (2)).

-      Some vegetables contain much oxalic acid, which binds to minerals easily. Mangold,   rhubarb, spinach, purslane, bamboo shoots and beetroot contain most of these special carbohydrates.

-      Soya bean contains much different substances inhibiting digestion, like phytic acid, lots of polyurones, arabinoxylanes (special pentosanes) ,toxic lectins and mutagenic phyto-estrogens. Excessive enzym-inhibitors- and lectins can cause pancreas enlargement. (4)

-      Cabbages (like broccoli and cauliflower), radish and garden cress contain glucosinolates,  which can originate mildly toxic (to the thyroid) thiocyanate.

-      Onions contain much mutagenic quercetine (a flavonoid), and (like garlic)

        dialkyloligosulphides, inhibiting iodide absorption.

-      Potato, sweet potato, cassava and bamboo shoots contain cyanogenics, and these originate cyanides, which have to be transformed into less toxic thiocyanates.

-      Mushrooms easily absorb damaging cadmium and arsenium, and contain alkaloids  which inhibit digestion and cause gripes. Many people have no problem at all eating mushrooms however.

-      Some beans (vicia faba) contain isouramile and divicine (pyrimidines) causing radical oxygen release.

-      Flat peas (lathyrus sativus) contain pro-oxidative nitriles and toxins.

-      Lamb's lettuce contains caffeic acid, which easily binds nutrients.

-      Rhubarb can contain mutagenic emodine.

-      Parsley, celeriac, dill and fennel can contain small amounts of furocoumarines (psoralenes) that can become tumor-stimulating when taken in higher amounts.

-      Cacao, nutmeg, laurel, mace, anise, black pepper and ginger can contain tiny amounts of cancerous safrol.

Some of these 'active plant ingredients' can be usefull as medication, as they influence processes in our body. Of course, this requires proper diagnosis first, and subsequent professional guidance. Otherwise, these natural ingredients can simply bring your body out of balance.

- Aloe vera contains polysaccharides high in mannose that are so-called 'biological response modifiers' in that they stimulate B- and T-cell activity, interfering with your defense system. (14)
- Ginseng lowers fasting blood glucose levels and increases raised blood glucose conditions (15), interfering with the blood energy regulatory system.
- Rose hip contains polyphenols such as proanthocyanidins (cyanidin-3-O-glucoside) and flavonoids (incl. Catechin, quercetin, several glycosides of quercetin and glycosides of taxifolin and eriodictyol, phloridzin and methyl gallate-rutinoside). Quercetine, for example, has mutagenic properties. (16) Flavonoids are known to have cytotoxic properties. (17)
- Ginkgo biloba is reported to may cause haemorrhage when taken with other antiplatelet agents.
Ginkgo biloba also contains quercetin, and bilobalide, ginkgolides, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, rutin hydrate, quercetin-3-beta-D-glucoside and quercitrin hydrate. (18)
- Horsetail is mildly toxic and decreases triglyceride and cholesterol level. (19)
Horsetail is also sedative and contains tannins, saponins and flavonoids. (20)
- The aroma of Lavender negatively affects performance of working memory, and impaires reaction times for both memory and attention. (21) Lavender also has diuretic properties. (22)

Therefore humans did only start eating plants after having discovered how to use fire to prepare food. (except for some plants) Unfortunately, not all damaging substances are destroyed by heat ;



-      Fruits, creals and vegetables are treated with lots of pesticides / herbicides. Fruits however mostly are to be pealed before consumption, removing pesticides / herbicides almost entirely. Vegetables and grains however are not protected this effectively.
Heating does not help. (5)

-      Many toxins, like oxalic acid, glycosides, glycoalkaloids, aflatoxins, sterigmatocystine and quercetine are not destroyed by heat. Saponines, fibers, phytic acid (6) and tannins are only partly destroyed.

-      5 to 20% of enzyminhibitors in soy is not destroyed throughout the preparation process, and can cause gripes and can increase CCK (cholecystokinine) secretion, what can be harmful to the pancreas. (7)

-      Substances in plants inhibiting protein digestion are mostly not destroyed by heat. (8)

-      Toxic solanine in potatoes is not destroyed during the preparation process, but is drained away.

-      Vegetables contain most nitrate, and sometimes nitrite too (9), because we use far too much phosphate fertilizers. Nitrate absorption can impair thyroid functioning (10) and decrease fertility (11). Heating doesn't help at all, but even originates cancerous N-nitroso compounds. (12) Therefore, nitrate can cause cancer indirectly. (13)




The average (and highest) amount of nitrate, and if any, nitrite, in mg / 100 g. edible food. (From : Souci, S.W. et al, Food Composition and Nutrition Tabels. Medpharm Scientific Publishers Stuttgart 1994)



                                Nitrate                          Food                            Nitrite


                           615     (898)                     purslane

                           487     (704)                     mangold

                           259     (496)                     radish

                           245     (463)                     cress

                           223     (527)                     celery

                           220     (453)                     radishes

                           219     (661)                     lettuce                          0,68

                           219     (433)                     Lamb's lettuce

                           215     (545)                     rhubarb

                           212     (564)                     parsley

                           195     (536)                     beetroot

                           192     (438)                     kohlrabi           

                           169     (217)                     beetroot juice              0,64    (1,8)

                           166     (670)                     spinach

                           127     (420)                     fennel leaves

                           112     (261)                     Chinese leaves

                           106     (259)                     endive

                           101     (174)                     kale

                           098     (364)                     celeriac

                           071     (127)                     broccoli           

                           068     (100)                     pumpkin

                           066     (070)                     asparagus

                           051     (448)                     leek

                           050     (110)                     carrot

                           048     (165)                     Savoy cabbage

                           042     (103)                     cauliflower

                           040     (323)                     white cabbage            0,33

                           031     (040)                     Viper's grass

                           028     (268)                     red cabbage

                           025     (110)                     French beans

                           023     (084)                     carrot juice                  0,04    (0,34)

                           020     (225)                     onion

                           020     (030)                     Eggplant

                           019     (056)                     cucumber

                           015     (021)                     chicory

                           012     (062)                     Brussels sprouts

                           012     (035)                     green peppers

                           008     (100)                     potato                          0,41

                           005     (017)                     tomato

                           003     (011)                     peas

                           003     (???)                     apple                           0,28

                           002     (???)                     strawberry                   0,18

                           001     (003)                     Tilsit cheese

                           001     (???)                     acerola

                           000     (???)                     Camembert etc.

                           000     (001)                     milk

                           000     (001)                     quark




The European Union officially allows 250 mg nitrate / 100 g, because it is more profitable to allow the use of much fertilizers.

© 2000-2006 Copyright Artists Cooperative Groove Union U.A.

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Abstracts of most sources can be found at the National Library of Medicine

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